How to Install Driver for Android Tablet

Hi frds today am going to show u how to install drivers on android tablet & mobiles.
here are the steps to follow.
1-    The very first step in installing driver is to connect the Tablet to the computer through USB.
2-    Now back to the PC , in some case the driver are installed automatically while in some we have to manually download the driver.
3-    In manual download ,we have to go to device manager which can be open through search menu on start icon.
4-    Under the device manager menu , click on other , then under other there is android option, right click on it and then under it click on update software.
drivers not detected
5-    There appear two option ,select the first option which will look for the driver on the internet. Your PC must be connected to internet. If this method fails then try on next method.
6-    Again right click on android option and select update driver software.
7-    Now stick to the second option ( Browse My computer for driver install), there appears two option , select the first one and click on browse to set the folder path, if the driver is in the computer then it will install it. But if  the driver is not on PC, switch on to next method.
8-    The third method as similar to first two, right click on android , then click on update driver software. After it select the second option , here again two option arrive , out of which select the second option.
9-    Now several icon appears , out of which select the ADB interface , if the driver are present on the PC it will appear but if the driver is not present ,this method will not work.
Now coming to the next method, we have to install the driver using ADB driver installer.
Download and open it. Below is the interface of the Adb Driver installer.
adb installer for android
10-   Now a menu appears in which our tablet has been enlisted and then click on install . wait for few seconds then a icon appears which shows that driver installation successful.
Now move back to device manager and check whether  the driver is showing or not.
pls drop a comment if its work
How to Install Driver for Android Tablet How to Install Driver for Android Tablet Reviewed by dhtechking on 10:49 Rating: 5

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